Sunday, September 10, 2023

the beginning of the end, or, blame is always shared, isn't it?


she was kind

to outsiders, always

a defense witness

for anybody living

on the fringe


I once asked her "If Jesus came back

and asked you to do one thing

would you do it?"

she smiled

and said nothing


later confided in me

she felt Jesus wanted her

to finish college

get a religion degree

become a pastor


so she applied for a student loan

went back to school

for two weeks, then

declaring there is no God

dropped out



the loan dogged her

she moved out of town


a defense witness

for everyone scrapping their way

through an alternative lifestyle

fell in love

with a heroin addict


the rest is calculable

simple math, but exponents

must be tacked on

to the grief

spread liberally

amongst us all

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