Saturday, January 15, 2011

long wait

long wait

for infinity to end

might as well wait

for her mind

to change

or for your heart

to choose another,

for your mother

to stop loving you

better to accept

what will not change

as fixed,

the rotation of the Earth,

the tilt of its axis,

things that can be tested

and measured,

meeting the standards

of infallible science

yet there will always be anomalies,

those places where the Universe bends

such that 1+1=3,

where infinity ends,

and heart’s mend,

our love, a hypothesis

that has been proven correct

Tuesday, January 11, 2011



more –

more more

more less

more sex

more less sex

more renunciation

more meditation

more self-abnegation

more excruciation

more ascetic bliss

more nothingness

more suchness

four more lines of this

more stigmata

more zenyatta mondatta

more holy Madonna

more nirvana

not much to say

my mind --

not much to say,

to sing

unbring this


undo its


arms entwined,

a mass of struggle,



upward, inward

no dawn

for a sleepless night,

no day --

too much light,

nothing ventured,

nothing right