Sunday, February 25, 2024

farther and farther

farther and farther
away from your goal
Paul Simon sang
he was slip-slidin' away
I thought he was crazy
or a pessimist, still
after all these years
there's no conquering that hill

Saturday, February 24, 2024

warplanes, cafe jazz

the warplanes are not blotting out
the cafe jazz, here at Blackbird

I'm certain, where the buildings crumble
there is no music but jets above
bombs below, and roadside explosions

I am fortunate, as so many find themselves
even the tiny sufferings and shame
that mark my charmed existence
are small enough to be immeasurable
in the jetsam and sputum of history coughing
washed down the gullet of time

inconsequence and grace
make me more fat and comfortable
than I have right to be

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

to be honored

any spectacle
worth honoring...

      not the tacky red gaud
      of TV reality
      not your derisive laughter
      nor your feeling superior
      in how you live --
      punching into the world,
      knifing the air in front of you
      with a clean nose

...but a window
onto a slice of life
so sweet and charming
so full of baby's s laughter
and old man's wispy beard

the hand that rocks the soul
has held the infant Jesus
while Mary relieved  herself
in the brambles

that hand reached in
and pulled twenty men
out of a collapsing coal mine

everyone deserves transformation
but not all should be inducted
in your heart, holy of holies