Monday, March 25, 2019

on reading Hazrat Inayat Khan

greater unto greater
one world immense
into another such world
the path becomes the Universe
the Universe becomes a marmoset
baby, warm and purring
folded into mother's belly
our stories are for telling
one voice, one silence, one fur

green life

love as balm
attention, a panacea
mindfulness is medicine
in the window
in the early evening night
first day of spring
a heart thing
leaves glow street flow
we grow, merging into mind
waves of knowing
lap at home
of ceramic and soil

Saturday, March 23, 2019


against nothing
against no one
against myself
against the great Birth
the moment of Introduction
the bow-inducing audience
applause like blood
a river of blood
through one ear
and out the other

take your bow
you are absent
empty hands
clapping, no sound
finally accorded
your Dispensation

w/ the therapist

I am lethargic and bored
we speak for nearly an hour
I am evasive; she is tenacious

when a moment of clarity arises
I notice the tissue in the box on the vent
waving like a flag