Monday, November 22, 2021

like lightning on water

"history, too, is a simple machine"   -- Steve Brightman


like lightning on water

grace brought the first living organism


the Triune God -

Frankenstein, Passion, Darwin


moist dirt rises through eons

spits out humans

crafts of them Buddhas


we sit somewhere in the balance

not believing this possible

that the stench of iniquity

could give rise to beautiful flowers

each of us, a lotus turning 

in the hand of self-effacing time

Saturday, November 20, 2021

melt me


not to disappear
not to be invisible
or cease to exist
of suffer like this

melt me
master monkey man
open my heart
as you open
and empty
my four hands

this is November

early evening sprawls before us
this is November
indoors and further in
reading and guessing at heart's depth
outside, the darkness is light as well
I remind myself
anything that gives secret joy
is lit from within
and love is a light, too
I see it, and in it
see you