Sunday, June 23, 2024

save this world

let's do this together
let's make this happen
like we've seen in every movie
post-dating Star Wars and many before

like that blind-flying scene
feel the force
feel your longing
your love, with your full body knowing
let's make this happen
1    2     3
save this shimmering, ghost world

Thursday, June 6, 2024

two for naught, with a tinge of glowing affect

the sky tonight, Matthew-catholic
rains like real men cry
blues shed their macho b.s.
grey interlaced
sun lost somewhere
in the thick grove
of gulls and electric wire, crucified
it's okay
the cold, a little damp
in the spring air
brings back the recognition
that life is not always cheerful
all will not last
indeed, happiness
as illusory as suffering
cannot be willed
or worked for, bought
or caught, but only received
as it passes, a dense forest
giving way to a cloudless sky
over a field and a pond
through the window
of a speeding train

Monday, June 3, 2024

to speak truth

turn to your right, cough
to your left, sing
in the middle, speak truth

but understand
truth is a complex affair
a paradox, a well-guarded secret
you must thread a needle
with your soul
to come close to it
and to voice it
climb a mountain
of mountains
to a sun made
of suns

better to just sing your joy
or at very least
cough your misery
that's as close to truth
as most of us 
will ever get