Tuesday, October 15, 2024

feed the world

like a facebook like
mists of time soar over a past
that is petulant, remains for a day
a particle of a moment among the kalpas of creation

we will never aspire to more
than our hearts can flutter

open the oven door
take out the warm loaves

feed the world as you know it
save crusts and hefty chunks of butter
for all you don't

Saturday, October 12, 2024


 justice is a tiny thing

a grain of sand, a simple heart
let the guy change lanes in front of you
he may be dealing with more weight of debt
than you could ever forget
help the crusty man carry a smile
the old woman with her bags of regret

kindness is a magic of brown leaves
falling from the sky
a warm hand, open and full
heals every single one of us

truth is asking how and why
justice, again, is a hut built
in the shelter of the now
we huddle, together
need to human need